Also feel free to browse our tutorials, located here: Regards, Jon If you need more guidance on reactions in FDS / PyroSim, it may be worth spending some time reading through the FDS User's Guide. If you are not trying to simulate a combustion reaction, or you've specified a reaction elsewhere, you can safely click 'Ignore' and proceed with your simulation. When this change occurred, we decided it was appropriate to warn users if no reaction was specified as they ran their models. Eventually we decided that we aren't experts on modeling of fires, and decided to remove our default reaction support. In order to try and simplify the user experience, we experimented with different default reactions in PyroSim over the years. Their belief, as I understand it, is that users were using the default reaction out of convenience, even though it was only appropriate for a very limited subset of fire simulations. In the transition from FDS5 -> FDS6, this default reaction was removed by the team at NIST. In FDS5, if a user didn't specify a &REAC record but the model included a combustion reaction (specified by a burner surface or some other means), a default reaction was assumed. I'll also give you the history of that warning as I understand it, to make you sure you know how it pertains to you.

PyroSim is a graphical user interface for the fire simulator (FDS). Download PyroSim 2021 - Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) can predict smoke, temperature, carbon monoxide and other substances during a fire PyroSim: